Sponsor A Dog

Sponsoring a Dog from Hope VMS Dog Shelter.

While the dogs in Hope VMS Dogs shelter wait for their forever homes, they need to be loved and cared for. We are so grateful to our kind supporters who send us a donation every month to ensure a dog is fed, has access to veterinary care and is generally well looked after. If you would like to help keep a dog safe and healthy while he or she waits for a forever home, it would make such difference to them. if you would help by sponsorship.

There are a few sponsoring options, too, so you can help a dog, whatever your budget. Monthly sponsorship fee for full care of a dog – 15 Euros. (Part sponsorship options are also available from as little as 1 Euro). Feed a dog for a month – 5 Euros. Even if a dog is already sponsored by someone else, you can still sponsor that dog as well. Sponsoring a dog is quick and easy.

If you can't commit to monthly payments, why not make a "one off" sponsorship for just 1 month?

For MONTHLY Subscriptions, please click here.

Monthly Subscriptions can be set up in British Pounds (£/GBP) or Euros (€/EUR).

Have a look below at our dogs and find out more about them in the descriptions.

When you have picked the one(s) you want to support, simply choose the amount.

Page 1 of 1:    34 Dogs and Cats 

Sponsor Alon

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Alton

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Aria

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Arlena

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Armi

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Astra

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Axel

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Bella

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Bibi

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Brkica

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Bruno

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Cooper

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Jack Skellington

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Kan

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Klea

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Lutak

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Maia

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Mila-Hope

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Nella

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Nico

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Nora

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Riki

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Roni

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Ruby

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Sam

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Tasa

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Ten

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Tiko

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Uno

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Valentina

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Victoria

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Vilma

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Zara

From:  €1.00

Sponsor Zoe

From:  €1.00


Page 1 of 1:    34 Dogs and Cats